Category: learning disabilities

Token Economy Behavior System

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The Token Economy Behavior System is a method designed for teachers to help manage students behavior. The teacher will begin each activity or subject by having the students choose a picture of the reinforcer they would like to earn as a reward for good behavior, such as a handful of popcorn, a piece of paper to draw on, snuggles with a teddy bear, etc. Some students require a smaller field of choices. Use individual choice boards for students who aren't able to handle such a large field. This student picks their reinforcer picture from the board.

Students attach the picture of what they are working for to their token strip. Use pennies as tokens. The "penny strip" is made of a top to a container. All penny strips should have the student's name on it, numbered spots for pennies, and a spot for the picture of the reinforcer. Students earn pennies for meeting their individual behavior targets. For example, during morning meeting the teacher might give a penny to student A for keeping his hands to himself, student B gets a penny for stating the whole date, student C gets a penny for sitting quietly and listening. When they aren't meeting their behavior targets or begin to get off task, the teacher can direct the student back to what they are working towards.

Students "cash in" their pennies at the end of the specified time period. If the student earned all of their pennies they get the reward. If the student didn't earn all of their pennies then the teacher and student talk about why they didn't. Even if the student does not t have all of their pennies, they still need to count them into the teacher. This is also a great opportunity to practice counting skills. After cashing in, the student gets a few minutes to play with the item they earned. If the student didn't earn the item, they sit quietly at their desk while their peers play with their reinforcer. This is an opportunity for the student to realize how much they really want to earn next time. Students will experience the feelings and consequences of not earning. It helps to motivate them to earn all of their pennies even more.


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Token Economy Behavior System